Family and school hand in hand
how to live
The Science of Yoga in the Art of Education
"The child needs to be perceived and cared for from his physical, mental, social and also spiritual aspects, considering the integrity of his being." Paramahansa Yogananda
The Arte de Ser School is inspired by the pillars of the philosophy How-To-Liveby Paramahansa Yogananda, which applies the science of Yoga in Education. The experience of universal human values in everyday life is based on 4 pillars:

Body Science
How to recharge our body with vital energy using the breath as the main element, as well as cultivating healthy habits on a daily basis.

Mental Engineering
The use of willpower for right choices, teach children how to build bridges to overcome every little challenge in their lives.

Social Arts
Replacing the "desire to possess with the joy of sharing, so that personal interests do not conflict with social needs," as Yogananda teaches, is the basis for a peaceful and harmonious life in society.

Applied Spiritual Science
Contemplative practices - such as meditation, visualization, and relaxation - are important tools for awakening the potential of our inner wealth.
Awakening Children's Infinite Potential
Yoga understands the child in its entirety, and this is the way we idealize our pedagogical planning, so that it can contemplate all of the child's dimensions: body, mind, and soul. Besides the How-To-Live, we try to use the tools of contemporary methodologies that talk with the Yoga philosophy, such as: Pikler Approach, Waldorf and Montessori Pedagogies, Nonviolent Communication, Positive Discipline, Systemic Pedagogy, among others. Get to know a little about our daily routine:

Yoga and Meditation

Vegetarian Cuisine

Arts & Music

Free Playing

Heroes of Truth


Caring for the world
100% Vegetarian Food
Here at Arte, natural and healthy eating is part of the school's philosophy and permeates our daily lives.
Our menu is vegetarian, with vegan options, and we carefully accommodate specific diets for those with allergies and other restrictions.
One of the most awaited moments is the weekly ritual of bread making, when the children lovingly prepare the bread roll that they will take home to share with their families.

The Family at Arte
The connection between family and school is fundamental in the How-To-Live principles, after all, a balanced life has to be built in all environments where the child lives. That's why, since its foundation, the involvement of families brings a very strong sense of sisterhood, which naturally ends up creating a real support network among the school's mothers and fathers as well. The "Família na Arte" project, seeks to encourage families to be coauthors of this dream of applying Yoga in Education, also sharing their talents in our pedagogical daily life, either in the form of workshops for the children or through other knowledge.
Our parties and events involve everyone, moments when families and school get together to go on walks, work parties, and other movements, such as Festa Junina, Christmas, Bazaar, Family Day.
In these meetings, doors open and everyone gives of themselves: it is time to celebrate, bringing people together and strengthening bonds. The collective accomplishment of the Art of Being is an important inspiration to the children that together we are stronger, because as origin: We are all One.

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O que os pais de nossos alunos
dizem sobre a Arte de Ser:

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A little bit of the day to day

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